Live Eternity in a Moment that Lasts Forever
"The only place of power and change IS the Present."
Time, Vision & the Wayfarer
He has all the time he needs.
He has all the time he needs.
"The difference between a good life and a bad life
is how well you walk through the fire."
is how well you walk through the fire."
The Keys Are In the Ignition
"It is important to have a secret, a premonition of things unknown. It fills life with a numinosum...a sense that things can happen which remain inexplicable. The unexpected and the incredible belong in this world. Only then is life whole."
"The upheaval of our world and the upheaval in consciousness is one and the same. Everything becomes relative and therefore doubtful. And while man, hesitant and questioning, contemplates... his spirit yearns for an answer that will allay the turmoil of doubt and uncertainty." ~C.G. Jung
More, Worldview -
"It is important to have a secret, a premonition of things unknown. It fills life with a numinosum...a sense that things can happen which remain inexplicable. The unexpected and the incredible belong in this world. Only then is life whole."
"The upheaval of our world and the upheaval in consciousness is one and the same. Everything becomes relative and therefore doubtful. And while man, hesitant and questioning, contemplates... his spirit yearns for an answer that will allay the turmoil of doubt and uncertainty." ~C.G. Jung
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Scholar, Painter, Linguist, Scientist, Gemologist,
Raconteur, Composer, Musician, Spy, Rosicrucian, Mage
Raconteur, Composer, Musician, Spy, Rosicrucian, Mage
His warning echo today as urgently as in the past: "What monsters treated as the peers of heroes! Oppressors, oppressed, victors, vanquished...The storm reaches you all in turn, in this common wreck, What crimes what evils, what appalling guilt, Menace the subjects, as the potentates! And more than one usurper triumphs in command, More than one heart misled is humbled and repents. At last, closing the abyss and born from a black tomb There rises a young lily, more happy, and more fair."
Screenplay in development. 2015 Options available.
Original score by SophiaMusik: Thomas Schoenberger, Constantine Christοdoulou,
with special guests Michael A. Levine and Ian Maksin, cellist.
Original score by SophiaMusik: Thomas Schoenberger, Constantine Christοdoulou,
with special guests Michael A. Levine and Ian Maksin, cellist.
Make a round circle of man and woman, extract therefrom a quadrangle and from it a triangle. Make the circle round, and you will have the Philosophers’ Stone.["Psychology and Religion," CW 11, par. 92.]
Did such a man as Count St. Germain exist?
Of course not. We idealize him, even attribute extraordinary mythic and divine and qualities to him. Or, some would reduce him to a charlatan and pretender. This is his legend. But beneath that legend is the story of a very real person -- a polymath -- who sought to understand the Mysteries of Nature, God & Man.
He supported the ancient Greek right to freedom of self-exploration and self-development, our Secret Fire. Good & Evil are united in the Flame.
All sacred stories are philosophical, symbolic, allegorical and metaphorical
-- coded relationships, as well as literal.
In one sense St. Germain is an Everyman,
embodied in a historical story.
It is normal to think about immortality, and abnormal not to do so or
not to bother about it. ~Carl Jung, The Symbolic Life, Page 310.
"There are so many egos. The problem is to find the right one and relate it to the deeper archetypes making wholeness."
The Microcosm below is illuminated by the Macrocosm above.
As an astronomer-priest he scanned the skies, uniting heaven and earth.
In the stars, he watched the future unfold from the ocean of potential.
He scanned Cosmos within, parting the Mystic Veil to understand
cycles of deep time, destruction and regeneration.
The essence of knowledge is revealed by nature through primordial patterns --
cosmic memory. Nature is Matter & Spirit.
He seeks Light through the strife of contending forces,
the fractal field of resonating potential.
Now is always the same moment in Time.
Such gnosis makes the Soul immortal.
Why Are There So Many St. Germain Cults and Channels?
Immortal -- yes; Mystery -- yes; Literal -- no
Philemon and other figures of my fantasies brought home to me the crucial insight that there are things in the psyche which I do not produce, but which produce themselves and have their own life. Philemon represented a force which was not myself. In my fantasies I held conversations with him, and he said things which I had not consciously thought. For I observed clearly that it was he who spoke, not I. . . . Psychologically, Philemon represented superior insight. He was a mysterious figure to me. At times he seemed to me quite real, as if he were a living personality. I went walking up and down the garden with him, and to me he was what the Indians call a guru. --Jung, Memory, Dreams, Reflections
All of the Ascended Masters, Avatars, and Secret Chiefs of new age philosophy are personal or collective personifications and projections of archetypal wisdom figures. None of them are literally the historical personae some attribute to them to increase their numinosity and familiarity. The qualities attributed to them are not those of the human personality but qualities of the deep unconscious, which can produce both wisdom and nonsense. Personification is a by-product of the transformative quest for instinctive wisdom. Such idealized immortals are generally gods and goddesses.
St. Germain has been made-over into a myth of an immortal cult hero, based on the spiritual, philosophical and literary fantasies and projections about him as a new age avatar or time-traveling superhero. He is a magic hero converted to an immortal who can engage in some sort of time travel. Projection is a misattribution. We might as well choose Buck Rogers to contrast with our earthbound selves.
In psychological projection our unconsciousness is attributed to others, and they carry that unconscious content until or unless we become aware of it as our own. All assertions of ascended masters, channeled gurus, and secret chiefs fall into this category of archetypal protectors, mentors or teachers. The historical figure carried many of these qualities, powerful in collective wisdom and knowledge of the beyond. But being dead does not make you smarter.
Modern Myth in Search of a Soul
St. Germain is a good candidate for such attributions because of the ambiguity of his his historical record and his mystical inclinations. Like the serpent and the dragon, he becomes a symbol of transcendent wisdom, immortality, and rebirth, embodying immortal yearnings of those making the projections. In earlier times such attributions of sacred mysteries -- enlightenment, wisdom and spiritual vision -- were associated with Osiris or Metatron.
Let's Pretend
The ego splits off the unconscious content, either over-valuing or undervaluing it. When we reach our archetypal boundaries we begin projecting, sort of adult form of "let's pretend." Thus, for many St. Germain becomes naive a projection of hope and wisdom -- standing in place of the Unknown as an immortal soul sharing the qualities of the divine.
Through their icons, "followers" seek the meaning of life and supernatural existence. Projection is mistakenly attributing your own repressed thoughts onto someone else, including thoughts, feelings, motives, and attitudes. In this case, it includes unowned emotions, metaphysical speculations and pseudo-scientific worldviews. Such figures stand in place of one's own self-actualization. Instead, we substitute denial, self-delusion, identification, participation mystique, and projections.
Modern notions of St. Germain as a reincarnating or immortal master fall into this category. He has been "written into" the stories of various events of historical importance. Immortality is another fundamental archetype,with two basic narrative forms: a) Escape from time: “Return to Paradise, the state of timeless bliss enjoyed by man before his tragic Fall into corruption and mortality. b) Mystical submersion into cyclical time: the theme of endless death and regeneration – man achieves a kind of immortality by submitting the vast, mysterious rhythm of Nature’s eternal cycle, particularly the cycle of the seasons.
There is no literal explanation of such recurrent themes, only their psychological appearances arising from the needs of those who weave such notions into their personal narratives. Such figures of the unconscious are naturally represented as immortal, as they are eternal archetypes in personified dress...a sort of adult "imaginary friend." This is the source of channeled wisdom and spirit possession. During his lifetime the moral rectitude of St. Germain was questioned, but in the immortal version he becomes sanitized.
Jung elaborated on such transformative wisdom figures as the archetypes of the "mana personality" and Self: the Wise Old Man and the Wise Old Woman. They can also appear as aspects of one's anima or animus. Jung even experienced one or more such characters he personified as his soul guide Philemon, who he linked back to the historical Simon Magus. But he did not take such interaction literally but rather imaginally -- an "as if real" experience he engaged with dialogue. Such figures can offer guidance and wisdom gleaned from personal and cultural experience. They can also spew faulty logic, silly notions, inferior thinking, and pseudo-scientific ideas.
Jung's Wise Old Woman and the Wise Old Man are archetypes of the Collective Unconscious. 'The "wise old woman"...[or] helpful "old woman" is a well-known symbol in myths and fairy tales for the wisdom of the eternal female nature'. One of her current popular incarnations is Mary Magdalene, a soul-mate, or Sophia, who has captured contemporary imaginations with ideas about the divine feminine and gnosis. The 'Wise Old Man, or some other very powerful aspect of eternal masculinity' is her male counterpart.
In Jung's thought, the individuation process was marked by a sequence of archetypes, each acquiring predominance at successive stages, and so reflecting what he termed an ascending psychic scale or 'hierarchy of the unconscious'. Thus, starting with the intermediate position of 'anima or animus...just as the latter have a higher position in the hierarchy than the shadow, so wholeness lays claim to a position and a value superior' still. The Wise Old Woman and Man, as what he termed "Mana" personalities or "supraordinate" personalities, stood for that wholeness of the self: 'the mother ("Primordial Mother" and "Earth Mother") as a supraordinary the "self"'.
As von Franz cautions, 'If an individual has wrestled seriously and long enough with the anima (or animus) problem, so that he, or she, is no longer partially identified with it, the unconscious again changes its dominant character and appears in a new symbolic form representing the Self, the innermost nucleus of the personality. In the dreams of a woman this center is usually personified as a superior female figure - a priestess, sorceress, earth mother, or goddess of nature or love. In the case of a man, it manifests itself as a masculine initiator and guardian (an Indian guru), a wise old man, a spirit of nature and so forth'.
The wise old man (also called senex, sage or sophos) is an archetype as described by Carl Jung, as well as a classic literary figure, and may be seen as a stock character. The wise old man can be a profound philosopher distinguished for wisdom and sound judgment but confounded with Shadow it can be a Trickster.
This type of character is typically represented as a kind and wise, older father-type figure who uses personal knowledge of people and the world to help tell stories and offer guidance that, in a mystical way, may impress upon his audience a sense of who they are and who they might become, thereby acting as a mentor. He may occasionally appear as an absent-minded professor, appearing absent-minded due to a predilection for contemplative pursuits.
The wise old man is often seen to be in some way "foreign", that is, from a different culture, nation, or occasionally, even a different time, from those he advises. In extreme cases, he may be a liminal being, such as Merlin, who was only half human.
In medieval chivalric romance and modern fantasy literature, he is often presented as a wizard. He can also or instead be featured as a hermit. This character type often explained to the knights or heroes—particularly those searching for the Holy Grail—the significance of their encounters.
In the individuation process, the archetype of the Wise old man was late to emerge, and seen as an indication of the Self. 'If an individual has wrestled seriously enough and long enough with the anima (or animus) problem...the unconscious again changes its dominant character and appears in a new symbolic a masculine initiator and guardian (an Indian guru), a wise old man, a spirit of nature, and so forth'.
As Borges contends:
No one is anyone, one single immortal man is all men. Like Cornelius Agrippa, I am god, I am hero, I am philosopher, I am demon and I am world, which is a tedious way of saying that I do not exist. Any life, however long and complicated it may be, actually consists of a single moment — the moment when a man knows forever more who he is. Doubt is one of the names of intelligence.
Of course not. We idealize him, even attribute extraordinary mythic and divine and qualities to him. Or, some would reduce him to a charlatan and pretender. This is his legend. But beneath that legend is the story of a very real person -- a polymath -- who sought to understand the Mysteries of Nature, God & Man.
He supported the ancient Greek right to freedom of self-exploration and self-development, our Secret Fire. Good & Evil are united in the Flame.
All sacred stories are philosophical, symbolic, allegorical and metaphorical
-- coded relationships, as well as literal.
In one sense St. Germain is an Everyman,
embodied in a historical story.
It is normal to think about immortality, and abnormal not to do so or
not to bother about it. ~Carl Jung, The Symbolic Life, Page 310.
"There are so many egos. The problem is to find the right one and relate it to the deeper archetypes making wholeness."
The Microcosm below is illuminated by the Macrocosm above.
As an astronomer-priest he scanned the skies, uniting heaven and earth.
In the stars, he watched the future unfold from the ocean of potential.
He scanned Cosmos within, parting the Mystic Veil to understand
cycles of deep time, destruction and regeneration.
The essence of knowledge is revealed by nature through primordial patterns --
cosmic memory. Nature is Matter & Spirit.
He seeks Light through the strife of contending forces,
the fractal field of resonating potential.
Now is always the same moment in Time.
Such gnosis makes the Soul immortal.
Why Are There So Many St. Germain Cults and Channels?
Immortal -- yes; Mystery -- yes; Literal -- no
Philemon and other figures of my fantasies brought home to me the crucial insight that there are things in the psyche which I do not produce, but which produce themselves and have their own life. Philemon represented a force which was not myself. In my fantasies I held conversations with him, and he said things which I had not consciously thought. For I observed clearly that it was he who spoke, not I. . . . Psychologically, Philemon represented superior insight. He was a mysterious figure to me. At times he seemed to me quite real, as if he were a living personality. I went walking up and down the garden with him, and to me he was what the Indians call a guru. --Jung, Memory, Dreams, Reflections
All of the Ascended Masters, Avatars, and Secret Chiefs of new age philosophy are personal or collective personifications and projections of archetypal wisdom figures. None of them are literally the historical personae some attribute to them to increase their numinosity and familiarity. The qualities attributed to them are not those of the human personality but qualities of the deep unconscious, which can produce both wisdom and nonsense. Personification is a by-product of the transformative quest for instinctive wisdom. Such idealized immortals are generally gods and goddesses.
St. Germain has been made-over into a myth of an immortal cult hero, based on the spiritual, philosophical and literary fantasies and projections about him as a new age avatar or time-traveling superhero. He is a magic hero converted to an immortal who can engage in some sort of time travel. Projection is a misattribution. We might as well choose Buck Rogers to contrast with our earthbound selves.
In psychological projection our unconsciousness is attributed to others, and they carry that unconscious content until or unless we become aware of it as our own. All assertions of ascended masters, channeled gurus, and secret chiefs fall into this category of archetypal protectors, mentors or teachers. The historical figure carried many of these qualities, powerful in collective wisdom and knowledge of the beyond. But being dead does not make you smarter.
Modern Myth in Search of a Soul
St. Germain is a good candidate for such attributions because of the ambiguity of his his historical record and his mystical inclinations. Like the serpent and the dragon, he becomes a symbol of transcendent wisdom, immortality, and rebirth, embodying immortal yearnings of those making the projections. In earlier times such attributions of sacred mysteries -- enlightenment, wisdom and spiritual vision -- were associated with Osiris or Metatron.
Let's Pretend
The ego splits off the unconscious content, either over-valuing or undervaluing it. When we reach our archetypal boundaries we begin projecting, sort of adult form of "let's pretend." Thus, for many St. Germain becomes naive a projection of hope and wisdom -- standing in place of the Unknown as an immortal soul sharing the qualities of the divine.
Through their icons, "followers" seek the meaning of life and supernatural existence. Projection is mistakenly attributing your own repressed thoughts onto someone else, including thoughts, feelings, motives, and attitudes. In this case, it includes unowned emotions, metaphysical speculations and pseudo-scientific worldviews. Such figures stand in place of one's own self-actualization. Instead, we substitute denial, self-delusion, identification, participation mystique, and projections.
Modern notions of St. Germain as a reincarnating or immortal master fall into this category. He has been "written into" the stories of various events of historical importance. Immortality is another fundamental archetype,with two basic narrative forms: a) Escape from time: “Return to Paradise, the state of timeless bliss enjoyed by man before his tragic Fall into corruption and mortality. b) Mystical submersion into cyclical time: the theme of endless death and regeneration – man achieves a kind of immortality by submitting the vast, mysterious rhythm of Nature’s eternal cycle, particularly the cycle of the seasons.
There is no literal explanation of such recurrent themes, only their psychological appearances arising from the needs of those who weave such notions into their personal narratives. Such figures of the unconscious are naturally represented as immortal, as they are eternal archetypes in personified dress...a sort of adult "imaginary friend." This is the source of channeled wisdom and spirit possession. During his lifetime the moral rectitude of St. Germain was questioned, but in the immortal version he becomes sanitized.
Jung elaborated on such transformative wisdom figures as the archetypes of the "mana personality" and Self: the Wise Old Man and the Wise Old Woman. They can also appear as aspects of one's anima or animus. Jung even experienced one or more such characters he personified as his soul guide Philemon, who he linked back to the historical Simon Magus. But he did not take such interaction literally but rather imaginally -- an "as if real" experience he engaged with dialogue. Such figures can offer guidance and wisdom gleaned from personal and cultural experience. They can also spew faulty logic, silly notions, inferior thinking, and pseudo-scientific ideas.
Jung's Wise Old Woman and the Wise Old Man are archetypes of the Collective Unconscious. 'The "wise old woman"...[or] helpful "old woman" is a well-known symbol in myths and fairy tales for the wisdom of the eternal female nature'. One of her current popular incarnations is Mary Magdalene, a soul-mate, or Sophia, who has captured contemporary imaginations with ideas about the divine feminine and gnosis. The 'Wise Old Man, or some other very powerful aspect of eternal masculinity' is her male counterpart.
In Jung's thought, the individuation process was marked by a sequence of archetypes, each acquiring predominance at successive stages, and so reflecting what he termed an ascending psychic scale or 'hierarchy of the unconscious'. Thus, starting with the intermediate position of 'anima or animus...just as the latter have a higher position in the hierarchy than the shadow, so wholeness lays claim to a position and a value superior' still. The Wise Old Woman and Man, as what he termed "Mana" personalities or "supraordinate" personalities, stood for that wholeness of the self: 'the mother ("Primordial Mother" and "Earth Mother") as a supraordinary the "self"'.
As von Franz cautions, 'If an individual has wrestled seriously and long enough with the anima (or animus) problem, so that he, or she, is no longer partially identified with it, the unconscious again changes its dominant character and appears in a new symbolic form representing the Self, the innermost nucleus of the personality. In the dreams of a woman this center is usually personified as a superior female figure - a priestess, sorceress, earth mother, or goddess of nature or love. In the case of a man, it manifests itself as a masculine initiator and guardian (an Indian guru), a wise old man, a spirit of nature and so forth'.
The wise old man (also called senex, sage or sophos) is an archetype as described by Carl Jung, as well as a classic literary figure, and may be seen as a stock character. The wise old man can be a profound philosopher distinguished for wisdom and sound judgment but confounded with Shadow it can be a Trickster.
This type of character is typically represented as a kind and wise, older father-type figure who uses personal knowledge of people and the world to help tell stories and offer guidance that, in a mystical way, may impress upon his audience a sense of who they are and who they might become, thereby acting as a mentor. He may occasionally appear as an absent-minded professor, appearing absent-minded due to a predilection for contemplative pursuits.
The wise old man is often seen to be in some way "foreign", that is, from a different culture, nation, or occasionally, even a different time, from those he advises. In extreme cases, he may be a liminal being, such as Merlin, who was only half human.
In medieval chivalric romance and modern fantasy literature, he is often presented as a wizard. He can also or instead be featured as a hermit. This character type often explained to the knights or heroes—particularly those searching for the Holy Grail—the significance of their encounters.
In the individuation process, the archetype of the Wise old man was late to emerge, and seen as an indication of the Self. 'If an individual has wrestled seriously enough and long enough with the anima (or animus) problem...the unconscious again changes its dominant character and appears in a new symbolic a masculine initiator and guardian (an Indian guru), a wise old man, a spirit of nature, and so forth'.
As Borges contends:
No one is anyone, one single immortal man is all men. Like Cornelius Agrippa, I am god, I am hero, I am philosopher, I am demon and I am world, which is a tedious way of saying that I do not exist. Any life, however long and complicated it may be, actually consists of a single moment — the moment when a man knows forever more who he is. Doubt is one of the names of intelligence.
The Count left us his most secret Magic Book,
the Most Occult Book in the World.
“My Cipher Manuscripts were cryptograms concerning the state of
Self, World & Cosmos, which were presented to me anew each day…
I guarded them like precious pearls…
The path to the Center is the exponent of all paths."
The Count left us his most secret Magic Book,
the Most Occult Book in the World.
“My Cipher Manuscripts were cryptograms concerning the state of
Self, World & Cosmos, which were presented to me anew each day…
I guarded them like precious pearls…
The path to the Center is the exponent of all paths."
but in our current story, he seeks another, even older volume...
Scintillating Consciousness
Astronomical/Musical Paradigm
The soul has become immortal if we leave something behind for others.
Psychology can affirm no other immortality. ~Carl Jung
The quest for immortality is a quest for enduring presence and awareness. The Winged Dragon is the symbolic superstar of St. Germain's Triangle Book. In The Book of Lambspring, it represents the Anima Mundi, or Soul of the World, which is the sum total of planetary existence -- the holographic blueprint on which form is based, the informational level or primal source of being - Zero Point. It is said that medicine providing the gift of youth can be made from its venom.
Zero-Point is the Key to Precession, the great harmonic cycle. The Dot, or Point represents the absorption of the All, of Creation, into its Origin. The Point correlates with the Origin. Material creation enfolded back into the Source, dissolving manifestation in the ocean of its Origin. The Dot is thus equal to the Circle. It is the Circle, just as each degree or dot of the Circle represents the entire Circle, and consequently the Dot contains all and any possibility of material manifestation. The key alchemy tells us is in the "squaring of the circle".
Scintillating Consciousness
Astronomical/Musical Paradigm
The soul has become immortal if we leave something behind for others.
Psychology can affirm no other immortality. ~Carl Jung
The quest for immortality is a quest for enduring presence and awareness. The Winged Dragon is the symbolic superstar of St. Germain's Triangle Book. In The Book of Lambspring, it represents the Anima Mundi, or Soul of the World, which is the sum total of planetary existence -- the holographic blueprint on which form is based, the informational level or primal source of being - Zero Point. It is said that medicine providing the gift of youth can be made from its venom.
Zero-Point is the Key to Precession, the great harmonic cycle. The Dot, or Point represents the absorption of the All, of Creation, into its Origin. The Point correlates with the Origin. Material creation enfolded back into the Source, dissolving manifestation in the ocean of its Origin. The Dot is thus equal to the Circle. It is the Circle, just as each degree or dot of the Circle represents the entire Circle, and consequently the Dot contains all and any possibility of material manifestation. The key alchemy tells us is in the "squaring of the circle".
From me flows what you call time. We are self-creative entities. At times I feel as if I am spread out over the landscape and inside things, and am myself living in every tree, in the splashing of the waves, in the clouds and the animals that come and go, in the procession of the seasons. The solar system is the chorus to the Harmony of the World -- a polyphonic musical process with each motion harmonically atuned to the others and modulated by the sun, and from outside this system the tuning of the universe. Thus, the solar system has no internal center.
We become part of the manifold essence of outer and inner universe through our bodies and souls. All we actually know is our own mind, our own perceptions -- a "living mirror," in which the images of the entire universe are reflected, and that living mirror must only look at itself, in order to develop conceptions. We are a reflection, by the universe, and of the universe. And every part of us, every part of the whole universe, as we know it, is of that nature, insofar as we know these things.
The kinds of discoveries which are generated, not from sense-perception, but by the mind imagining the creative process itself, and drawing from itself, is an act of creation and an hypothesis about the creation of the physical universe. This resonates with the physical universe, this gives us power, in and over the physical universe -- increasing the power of our action over time, over processes in the universe -- universal gravity patterns.
From me flows what you call time. We are self-creative entities. At times I feel as if I am spread out over the landscape and inside things, and am myself living in every tree, in the splashing of the waves, in the clouds and the animals that come and go, in the procession of the seasons. The solar system is the chorus to the Harmony of the World -- a polyphonic musical process with each motion harmonically atuned to the others and modulated by the sun, and from outside this system the tuning of the universe. Thus, the solar system has no internal center.
We become part of the manifold essence of outer and inner universe through our bodies and souls. All we actually know is our own mind, our own perceptions -- a "living mirror," in which the images of the entire universe are reflected, and that living mirror must only look at itself, in order to develop conceptions. We are a reflection, by the universe, and of the universe. And every part of us, every part of the whole universe, as we know it, is of that nature, insofar as we know these things.
The kinds of discoveries which are generated, not from sense-perception, but by the mind imagining the creative process itself, and drawing from itself, is an act of creation and an hypothesis about the creation of the physical universe. This resonates with the physical universe, this gives us power, in and over the physical universe -- increasing the power of our action over time, over processes in the universe -- universal gravity patterns.
"Time" is a relative concept complemented by that of the "simultaneous" existence in the Plenum of all historical processes. What exists in the pleroma as an eternal process appears in time as an aperiodic sequence; it is repeated many times in an irregular pattern.
So, at any specific point in time, there is no collapse of the wavefunction which is "atemporal" and occurs along the whole transaction. The emission / absorption process is time-symmetric.
When archetypal variations emerge from the Void, they should not be regarded merely as personal episodes, moods, or chance idiosyncrasies. They are fragments of the pleromatic process itself, which, broken up into individual events occurring in time, is an essential component or aspect of the divine drama -- the Mystery of Creation.
Quantum Vacuum/Absolute Space is the matrix of electromagnetic forces.
Scalar EM wave vibrations occur in the time domain only.
This longitudinal EM wave is called a “scalar” photon in QM, so long as it remains in subspace or hyperspace. The nonobservable scalar photon is the main operator of Quantum Field Theory (QFT). The combination of the scalar and longtudinal photon is observable as the instantaneous scalar potential. It reveals the threshold of manifestation – unfolding spacetime.
The four-dimensional geometry of a scalar field reduce to the third, when the internal space, collapses to zero size in one direction, into an open universe -- a bubble of carefully adjusted potentials, with false vacuum local minima.
It will work for any reasonable potential. The price one pays for a general potential, is a singularity at the south pole. This singularity would be time-like, and naked. One might think that anything could come out of this naked singularity, and propagate... negentropic potential. Convergent rather than divergent flow plays the deciding role in the self-organization of life.
"Time" is a relative concept complemented by that of the "simultaneous" existence in the Plenum of all historical processes. What exists in the pleroma as an eternal process appears in time as an aperiodic sequence; it is repeated many times in an irregular pattern.
So, at any specific point in time, there is no collapse of the wavefunction which is "atemporal" and occurs along the whole transaction. The emission / absorption process is time-symmetric.
When archetypal variations emerge from the Void, they should not be regarded merely as personal episodes, moods, or chance idiosyncrasies. They are fragments of the pleromatic process itself, which, broken up into individual events occurring in time, is an essential component or aspect of the divine drama -- the Mystery of Creation.
Quantum Vacuum/Absolute Space is the matrix of electromagnetic forces.
Scalar EM wave vibrations occur in the time domain only.
This longitudinal EM wave is called a “scalar” photon in QM, so long as it remains in subspace or hyperspace. The nonobservable scalar photon is the main operator of Quantum Field Theory (QFT). The combination of the scalar and longtudinal photon is observable as the instantaneous scalar potential. It reveals the threshold of manifestation – unfolding spacetime.
The four-dimensional geometry of a scalar field reduce to the third, when the internal space, collapses to zero size in one direction, into an open universe -- a bubble of carefully adjusted potentials, with false vacuum local minima.
It will work for any reasonable potential. The price one pays for a general potential, is a singularity at the south pole. This singularity would be time-like, and naked. One might think that anything could come out of this naked singularity, and propagate... negentropic potential. Convergent rather than divergent flow plays the deciding role in the self-organization of life.
He who conducts from The Book of Harmony, orchestrates the Universe. Music is the backdoor to the No Exit rule of entropy, the second lie of thermodynamics. Music can take any shape or form. Our DNA transduces our virtual blueprint from light to sound and cymatics generates the bodymind.
A functional triad is a resonance of the universe as a whole. It's not something contained within a sphere; it's something which the content reflects. This is how universe creates existence. So you tune your universe! And the universe is always from the outside, but you learn to play the notes to make the universe resonate, because it will do so automatically, once you get the right solution. That is the essence of the principles of competent physical science, of art, and the human mind, and everything else. For the human mind and art and so forth are all the same thing,
It is a common belief, among alchemists, that Secret Fire is the main constituent of time. Time itself does not exist, because actually, the existence of the human being is implicitly universal. The human individual is a universal thing, which lives in history, and only realizes itself by living in history.
History lies always in a higher power, which we call the future. It's the higher development of the higher process, the self-development of the universe. And we participate, by resonance, with that progress in the universe. Through it we can perturb the false vacuum of local universe -- a very mild singularity, with a finite value. Perturbations reflect at the time-like singularity.
Only specific points are "victims" of the universe. When we imagine death and birth, birth is more important. But death is a very simple thing: the event has passed, but the event was a process of creation. So what do you do? As human beings, we know we are going to die, but we know we are not going to die. Because the question of death is a question of time. It's the process that counts, the direction of the process, is the only value.
That is the whole significance of Classical musical composition, which leads to a conception of the mind. Great Classical musical composition is actually immortal, because it has the characteristic in it, which is resonant with the characteristic of the development of the universe. Various kinds of musicians try to get a universal concept of a physical context of the planets and galaxies. But the concept of the musical idea of the planets -- the Music of the Spheres -- naturally came from Pythagoras and Kepler. The metaphor holds until science symbolically catches up.
Take the Universe personally.
Such principles bear on our infinitesimal lives.
A functional triad is a resonance of the universe as a whole. It's not something contained within a sphere; it's something which the content reflects. This is how universe creates existence. So you tune your universe! And the universe is always from the outside, but you learn to play the notes to make the universe resonate, because it will do so automatically, once you get the right solution. That is the essence of the principles of competent physical science, of art, and the human mind, and everything else. For the human mind and art and so forth are all the same thing,
It is a common belief, among alchemists, that Secret Fire is the main constituent of time. Time itself does not exist, because actually, the existence of the human being is implicitly universal. The human individual is a universal thing, which lives in history, and only realizes itself by living in history.
History lies always in a higher power, which we call the future. It's the higher development of the higher process, the self-development of the universe. And we participate, by resonance, with that progress in the universe. Through it we can perturb the false vacuum of local universe -- a very mild singularity, with a finite value. Perturbations reflect at the time-like singularity.
Only specific points are "victims" of the universe. When we imagine death and birth, birth is more important. But death is a very simple thing: the event has passed, but the event was a process of creation. So what do you do? As human beings, we know we are going to die, but we know we are not going to die. Because the question of death is a question of time. It's the process that counts, the direction of the process, is the only value.
That is the whole significance of Classical musical composition, which leads to a conception of the mind. Great Classical musical composition is actually immortal, because it has the characteristic in it, which is resonant with the characteristic of the development of the universe. Various kinds of musicians try to get a universal concept of a physical context of the planets and galaxies. But the concept of the musical idea of the planets -- the Music of the Spheres -- naturally came from Pythagoras and Kepler. The metaphor holds until science symbolically catches up.
Take the Universe personally.
Such principles bear on our infinitesimal lives.
Primordial Vortex
Pythagoras claimed there was a GOLDEN KEY to the Mysteries of the Universe,
the Intelligence of the Logos or Mind of God. As a musician, he may have meant so literally, based on his Pythagorean understanding. The source of divine symmetry is the greatest Mystery of existence. Our minds cannot grasp the unbound force that moves the constellations. Spin makes all conditions possible.
The world is not composed of Consciousness.
The world is Consciousness.
Consciousness just appears as the world.
Is Time a River We Can Navigate Upstream & Downstream
to Find Our Destiny?
More, SG Worldview -
The future is simply too big, too full of information,
for our small minds to pre-member it all.
Matter is an hypothesis. When you say "matter," you are really creating a symbol for something unknown, which may just as well be "spirit" or anything else; it may even be God. Whether you call the principle of existence "God” "matter," "energy," or anything else you like, you have created nothing, but simply changed a symbol.
Pythagoras claimed there was a GOLDEN KEY to the Mysteries of the Universe,
the Intelligence of the Logos or Mind of God. As a musician, he may have meant so literally, based on his Pythagorean understanding. The source of divine symmetry is the greatest Mystery of existence. Our minds cannot grasp the unbound force that moves the constellations. Spin makes all conditions possible.
The world is not composed of Consciousness.
The world is Consciousness.
Consciousness just appears as the world.
Is Time a River We Can Navigate Upstream & Downstream
to Find Our Destiny?
More, SG Worldview -
The future is simply too big, too full of information,
for our small minds to pre-member it all.
Matter is an hypothesis. When you say "matter," you are really creating a symbol for something unknown, which may just as well be "spirit" or anything else; it may even be God. Whether you call the principle of existence "God” "matter," "energy," or anything else you like, you have created nothing, but simply changed a symbol.
"I have been and still am a seeker, but I have ceased to question stars and books; I have begun to listen to the teaching my blood whispers to me." - Hermann Hesse
A lost book I seek....written over 25 centuries ago....It is a quest -- an endless quest. And if the music found in this book is played at certain specific locations, it will change the world...
A lost book I seek....written over 25 centuries ago....It is a quest -- an endless quest. And if the music found in this book is played at certain specific locations, it will change the world...
Unlocking the Past
Live As If You will Die Tomorrow...
Learn As If You Will Live Forever...
Learn As If You Will Live Forever...
Remember Who You Are,
Where You Come From & Why You Are Here
Where You Come From & Why You Are Here
You live just once,
but for all eternity.
but for all eternity.
In Khunrath the scintilla is the same as the elixir:
"Now the elixir is well and truly called a shining splendor,
or perfect scintilla of him who alone is the Mighty and Strong. ...
It is the true Aqua Permanens, eternally living."
The "radical moisture" is "animated ... by a fiery spark of the World-Soul,
for the spirit of the Lord filleth the whole world."
He also speaks of a plurality of sparks: "There are . . . fiery sparks of the World-Soul, that is of the light of nature, dispersed or scattered at God's command in and through the fabric of the great world into all fruits of the elements everywhere."
The scintilla is associated with the doctrine of the Anthropos: "The Son of the Great World ... is filled, animated and impregnated . . . with a fiery spark of Ruach Elohim, the spirit, breath, wind or blowing of the triune God, from . . . the Body, Spirit, and Soul of the World, or . . . Sulphur and Salt, Mercury and the universal fiery spark of the light of nature."
The "fiery sparks of the World-Soul" were already in the chaos, the prima materia, at the beginning of the world.
Khunrath rises to Gnostic heights when he exclaims: "And our Catholick Mercury, by virtue of his universal fiery spark of the light of nature, is beyond doubt Proteus, the sea god of the ancient pagan sages, who hath the key to the sea and . . . power over all things: son of Oceanos and Tethys."
Many centuries lie between Monoimos and Khunrath. The teachings of Monoimos were completely unknown in the Middle Ages,120 and yet Khunrath hit upon very similar thoughts which can hardly be ascribed to tradition. ~Jung, Mysterium Coniunctionis, p. 55-56.
In Khunrath the scintilla is the same as the elixir:
"Now the elixir is well and truly called a shining splendor,
or perfect scintilla of him who alone is the Mighty and Strong. ...
It is the true Aqua Permanens, eternally living."
The "radical moisture" is "animated ... by a fiery spark of the World-Soul,
for the spirit of the Lord filleth the whole world."
He also speaks of a plurality of sparks: "There are . . . fiery sparks of the World-Soul, that is of the light of nature, dispersed or scattered at God's command in and through the fabric of the great world into all fruits of the elements everywhere."
The scintilla is associated with the doctrine of the Anthropos: "The Son of the Great World ... is filled, animated and impregnated . . . with a fiery spark of Ruach Elohim, the spirit, breath, wind or blowing of the triune God, from . . . the Body, Spirit, and Soul of the World, or . . . Sulphur and Salt, Mercury and the universal fiery spark of the light of nature."
The "fiery sparks of the World-Soul" were already in the chaos, the prima materia, at the beginning of the world.
Khunrath rises to Gnostic heights when he exclaims: "And our Catholick Mercury, by virtue of his universal fiery spark of the light of nature, is beyond doubt Proteus, the sea god of the ancient pagan sages, who hath the key to the sea and . . . power over all things: son of Oceanos and Tethys."
Many centuries lie between Monoimos and Khunrath. The teachings of Monoimos were completely unknown in the Middle Ages,120 and yet Khunrath hit upon very similar thoughts which can hardly be ascribed to tradition. ~Jung, Mysterium Coniunctionis, p. 55-56.
Time Traveler * Rogue * Magus * Spy *
Inventor * Maestro * Gem-Hunter * Alchemist
History's enigmatic Count St. Germain is back in action as a contemporary romantic hero in this series of thrillers, set in today's high-stakes world of international intrigue.
Time Traveler * Rogue * Magus * Spy *
Inventor * Maestro * Gem-Hunter * Alchemist
History's enigmatic Count St. Germain is back in action as a contemporary romantic hero in this series of thrillers, set in today's high-stakes world of international intrigue.
Hermes says “The upper open spirit is hidden in the earth. Work the open upper spirit with the lower secret one, so will the living one awaken the dead, and be to it a well of life and work great wonders”.
"According to the universal laws, the magician will form his own point of view about the universe which henceforth will be his true religion".
--Franz Bardon, "Initiation into Hermetics".
"There is an Unborn, Unoriginated, Uncreated, Unformed. If there were not this Unborn, this Unoriginated, this Uncreated, this Unformed, escape from the world of the born, the originated, the created, the formed would not be possible." ~Buddha
"According to the universal laws, the magician will form his own point of view about the universe which henceforth will be his true religion".
--Franz Bardon, "Initiation into Hermetics".
"There is an Unborn, Unoriginated, Uncreated, Unformed. If there were not this Unborn, this Unoriginated, this Uncreated, this Unformed, escape from the world of the born, the originated, the created, the formed would not be possible." ~Buddha
The dragon of alchemy "devours, fertilizes, begets, slays,
and brings itself to life again."
and brings itself to life again."
Music - Composed and Arranged by SophiaMusik, (c)2014
It is a common belief, among alchemists, that Secret Fire is the main constituent of time.
Petrus Bonus say that the work is completed " by the adjunction of the occult stone, which one acquires not by the senses but by intelligence, inspiration or divine revelation."
“Even the enlightened person remains what he is, and is never more than his own limited ego before the One who dwells within him, whose form has no knowable boundaries, who encompasses him on all sides, fathomless as the abysms of the earth and vast as the sky” ~Carl Jung, Book of Job, Para. 758.
“Even the enlightened person remains what he is, and is never more than his own limited ego before the One who dwells within him, whose form has no knowable boundaries, who encompasses him on all sides, fathomless as the abysms of the earth and vast as the sky” ~Carl Jung, Book of Job, Para. 758.
Byss & Abyss, Nothing & All, Time & Eternity
True personality is always a vocation, and her trust in God ... But as a vocation acts like a law of God, from which there is no escape ... He must obey his own law, as if a daemon whispering about new and wonderful ways. Anyone who has a vocation hears the voice of the inner man: it is called." ~Carl Gustav Jung - The Personality Development
Byss & Abyss, Nothing & All, Time & Eternity
True personality is always a vocation, and her trust in God ... But as a vocation acts like a law of God, from which there is no escape ... He must obey his own law, as if a daemon whispering about new and wonderful ways. Anyone who has a vocation hears the voice of the inner man: it is called." ~Carl Gustav Jung - The Personality Development
The winds that awakened the stars ...
Are blowing through my blood. - W. B. Yeats,
Are blowing through my blood. - W. B. Yeats,
Spiritual Travels in 'Foreign Lands'
Not "I AM", but "I AM NAUGHT".
All the Time in the World Flows From Me.
Humanaut: someone who explores what it is to be human. Just like an astronaut explores the universe, or a cosmonaut explores the cosmos, so a humanaut explores the world of the ambiguously pan-dimensional human-nature -- Homo Lumen.
A vital way of Knowing, the body’s recollection of Being re-members and revives body as being-in-the-world. Phenomenological meaning emerges with Being itself, from the Being essence of being human. That ‘we are bodily’ is the starting point for recalling the body as proto-essential Being. Here felt sense is attuned with awareness. Intercorporeality rectifies the human-body-nature relationship -- the fundamental essence of Being-in-the-flesh.
Human-Body-Nature = Energy-Matter-Information
The vision quest is a model for any inner journey: “The individual undertakes his inner quest, without any show of heroic strength and achieves it, not as a triumph, but as a submission to powers higher than himself. He accomplishes nothing by guile, which would be merely another form of heroic trial of strength. He is essentially a suppliant, not a man of power.
He can count only upon his own intrinsic human worth and is of necessity his own teacher.
He may be allowed to see the object of the heroic quest but not to possess it, or he may possess it briefly before losing it again, or he may derive spiritual insight from it as a talisman which comes and goes” (Henderson, 141).
Spiritual Travels in 'Foreign Lands'
Not "I AM", but "I AM NAUGHT".
All the Time in the World Flows From Me.
Humanaut: someone who explores what it is to be human. Just like an astronaut explores the universe, or a cosmonaut explores the cosmos, so a humanaut explores the world of the ambiguously pan-dimensional human-nature -- Homo Lumen.
A vital way of Knowing, the body’s recollection of Being re-members and revives body as being-in-the-world. Phenomenological meaning emerges with Being itself, from the Being essence of being human. That ‘we are bodily’ is the starting point for recalling the body as proto-essential Being. Here felt sense is attuned with awareness. Intercorporeality rectifies the human-body-nature relationship -- the fundamental essence of Being-in-the-flesh.
Human-Body-Nature = Energy-Matter-Information
The vision quest is a model for any inner journey: “The individual undertakes his inner quest, without any show of heroic strength and achieves it, not as a triumph, but as a submission to powers higher than himself. He accomplishes nothing by guile, which would be merely another form of heroic trial of strength. He is essentially a suppliant, not a man of power.
He can count only upon his own intrinsic human worth and is of necessity his own teacher.
He may be allowed to see the object of the heroic quest but not to possess it, or he may possess it briefly before losing it again, or he may derive spiritual insight from it as a talisman which comes and goes” (Henderson, 141).
The Art of Dwelling in the Universe
Listen to these things, you children of the Ancient Philosophers, I will speak in the loudest and highest voice I can, for I come unto you to open and declare the principal state of human things and the most secret treasure of all the secrets of the whole world. . .Note well in the art of our magistery, nothing is concealed of the Philosophers, except the secret of the art, which is not lawful to be revealed to any man, for he that should do so
would be accursed. --Rosarium
One of the oldest of human desires is to counteract the fleeting nature of our short human existence. Eternal life is ingrained in the collective human consciousness, having been present in literature and myths for as long as they've been around. The Epic of Gilgamesh (the oldest heroic epic known to the modern world) is, in large part, about the character's search for a way to live forever.
The Art of Dwelling in the Universe
Listen to these things, you children of the Ancient Philosophers, I will speak in the loudest and highest voice I can, for I come unto you to open and declare the principal state of human things and the most secret treasure of all the secrets of the whole world. . .Note well in the art of our magistery, nothing is concealed of the Philosophers, except the secret of the art, which is not lawful to be revealed to any man, for he that should do so
would be accursed. --Rosarium
One of the oldest of human desires is to counteract the fleeting nature of our short human existence. Eternal life is ingrained in the collective human consciousness, having been present in literature and myths for as long as they've been around. The Epic of Gilgamesh (the oldest heroic epic known to the modern world) is, in large part, about the character's search for a way to live forever.
The whole alchemical process occurs simultaneously with the inner and the outer. The physical purification of the body with the preparation from the alchemical laboratory refine the energies and make them more receptive to the finer vibrations of the Cosmos.
Once you cross from manipura to anahata, cross from manipura to anahata, feelings should be based on facts not assumptions.
But to cross from anahata to visuddha one should unlearn all that. One should even admit that all one's psychical facts have nothing to do with material facts -- but phenomena all by themselves on the subjective level[.. Emotion arises from the sense we try to make of experience. People make choices based on emotional not rational reasons.
If you have reached that level, you begin to leave anahata, because you have succeeded in dissolving the absolute union of material external facts with internal or psychical facts. You begin to consider the game of the world as your game, the people that appear outside as exponents of your psychical condition. Whatever befalls you, whatever experience or adventure you have in the external world, is your own experience.
All spacetime events are conscious: they are conscious of other spacetime events. The "experience" of a spacetime event is static, a frozen region of spacetime events. All the subjective features of the "psychospace" of an observer can be completely derived from the objective features of the region of spacetime that the observer is connected to. Special circuits in our brain create the impression of a time flow, of a time travel through the region of spacetime events connected to the brain. Memory of an event is re-experiencing that spacetime event, which is fixed in spacetime. We don't store an event, we only keep a link to it. Conscious memory is not in the brain, is in spacetime.
Once you cross from manipura to anahata, cross from manipura to anahata, feelings should be based on facts not assumptions.
But to cross from anahata to visuddha one should unlearn all that. One should even admit that all one's psychical facts have nothing to do with material facts -- but phenomena all by themselves on the subjective level[.. Emotion arises from the sense we try to make of experience. People make choices based on emotional not rational reasons.
If you have reached that level, you begin to leave anahata, because you have succeeded in dissolving the absolute union of material external facts with internal or psychical facts. You begin to consider the game of the world as your game, the people that appear outside as exponents of your psychical condition. Whatever befalls you, whatever experience or adventure you have in the external world, is your own experience.
All spacetime events are conscious: they are conscious of other spacetime events. The "experience" of a spacetime event is static, a frozen region of spacetime events. All the subjective features of the "psychospace" of an observer can be completely derived from the objective features of the region of spacetime that the observer is connected to. Special circuits in our brain create the impression of a time flow, of a time travel through the region of spacetime events connected to the brain. Memory of an event is re-experiencing that spacetime event, which is fixed in spacetime. We don't store an event, we only keep a link to it. Conscious memory is not in the brain, is in spacetime.
The Adventures of St. Germain
A Novel & Film Series
Count St. Germain faces personal and metaphysical dilemmas against a background of a dying, corrupt, globalist culture, facing environmental collapse.
Catastrophes recorded in ancient sources were traumas common to all mankind.
Purged from common memory they are now interpreted as allegories and the trauma submerged in the unconscious. Now, we are awakening from collective amnesia,
sensing a major threat is near. Yes, the End is each and every moment passing.
Now is always the endless immensity of Eternity.
Blessed with Wisdom, Longevity, and Wealth,
St. Germain is probably the most passionately liberated man in
18th c. Europe. His real devotion, however, is to magic...and the
search for his own soul which impels him forward.
The Adventures of St. Germain
A Novel & Film Series
Count St. Germain faces personal and metaphysical dilemmas against a background of a dying, corrupt, globalist culture, facing environmental collapse.
Catastrophes recorded in ancient sources were traumas common to all mankind.
Purged from common memory they are now interpreted as allegories and the trauma submerged in the unconscious. Now, we are awakening from collective amnesia,
sensing a major threat is near. Yes, the End is each and every moment passing.
Now is always the endless immensity of Eternity.
Blessed with Wisdom, Longevity, and Wealth,
St. Germain is probably the most passionately liberated man in
18th c. Europe. His real devotion, however, is to magic...and the
search for his own soul which impels him forward.
Personification of Personification of Alchemy and Time - Art Print by Brian Giberson
Soror Mystica
The Comte de Saint Germain reputedly died in February 1784 and was allegedly buried in a private grave at Nicolai Church (German St. Nicolaikirche) in Eckernförde. But before that time he fell most deeply in love in the Old Way with his cousin, who was also his "sister" -- his Soror Mystica. Within years the German town, on a small spit of land between the sea and Windebyer Noor. was struck by a giant storm that all but washed the church out to sea leaving the issue of his last remains, a moot point.
But this is not the story the family itself tells. Rather, as we shall see, his body was actually replaced by a log. The family claims he sank into a deep coma from porphyria and though declared dead in his catatonic state was spirited back to his homeland in Transylviania and returned to the Solomonarii, who had raised him from youth, protecting and hiding him from political adversaries.
There he was attended by another of the secret brotherhood members -- a certain Dr. Victor Frankenstein -- whose ventures in reanimation rose to infamy around 1793, with the creation of his infamous creature. St. Germain, being merely comatose was much easier to awaken -- mere practice for Herr Doktor -- but naturally he was profoundly changed in the experimental process. However, since those times the world of humans has profoundly changed and continues to do so. This is the story of how St. Germain went from Wonderman to eternally wandering Journeyman.
The Comte de Saint Germain reputedly died in February 1784 and was allegedly buried in a private grave at Nicolai Church (German St. Nicolaikirche) in Eckernförde. But before that time he fell most deeply in love in the Old Way with his cousin, who was also his "sister" -- his Soror Mystica. Within years the German town, on a small spit of land between the sea and Windebyer Noor. was struck by a giant storm that all but washed the church out to sea leaving the issue of his last remains, a moot point.
But this is not the story the family itself tells. Rather, as we shall see, his body was actually replaced by a log. The family claims he sank into a deep coma from porphyria and though declared dead in his catatonic state was spirited back to his homeland in Transylviania and returned to the Solomonarii, who had raised him from youth, protecting and hiding him from political adversaries.
There he was attended by another of the secret brotherhood members -- a certain Dr. Victor Frankenstein -- whose ventures in reanimation rose to infamy around 1793, with the creation of his infamous creature. St. Germain, being merely comatose was much easier to awaken -- mere practice for Herr Doktor -- but naturally he was profoundly changed in the experimental process. However, since those times the world of humans has profoundly changed and continues to do so. This is the story of how St. Germain went from Wonderman to eternally wandering Journeyman.
In Freemasonry, the Triangle expresses the number Three and the Three-In-One in geometric form. The Triangle stands not only for the Doctrine of Duality, but also the Third power that balances duality. Note the Triangle on Giordano Bruno’s Grand Master Certificate. The twin points form the Triangle’s base are actually the tops of a male sun pillar (Jachin) and female moon pillar (Boaz): The male pillar is crowned with the sun, the female pillar is crowned with the moon.
The Triangle represents the idea of “balancing” our opposites (balancing our duality) is the great and age-old “Secret of Three” and the “Lost Secret of the Freemasons”. As the triangle’s apex transcends its two lower points, so your soul transcends your two lower animal halves, your sun half and moon half. Whereas duality (Two) signifies your physical body, the greater triangle (Three) signifies your soul (a.k.a. your higher Self in the center that rests eternal behind your temporary bodily right / left self.) Your soul is older than the twin dualities of your physical body. You find your apex—your “soul within”—by putting your two bodily halves in balance. Perfectly balancing your opposites, you become illuminated or awakened. When this happens, a mysterious, hidden Eye opens in you.
Plato called it the “Eye of the Soul”. Our two eyes see outward at physical things, but our Mind’s Eye looks inward to spiritual things. When our Third Eye opens, we are able to “see” our soul within. It’s then that you discover a conscious “deity” held captive within you--your true Self. We term this deity our “soul,” but it’s really a fallen god, fallen because we don’t realize we are eternal gods who are only temporarily clothed as animals. Thus, whereas the Masonic Triangle (below left) symbolizes the union or balancing of opposites, the Masonic “Eye in the Triangle” (below right) symbolizes the awakening of our Mind’s Eye that occurs when these opposites are united or balanced.
The Triangle represents the idea of “balancing” our opposites (balancing our duality) is the great and age-old “Secret of Three” and the “Lost Secret of the Freemasons”. As the triangle’s apex transcends its two lower points, so your soul transcends your two lower animal halves, your sun half and moon half. Whereas duality (Two) signifies your physical body, the greater triangle (Three) signifies your soul (a.k.a. your higher Self in the center that rests eternal behind your temporary bodily right / left self.) Your soul is older than the twin dualities of your physical body. You find your apex—your “soul within”—by putting your two bodily halves in balance. Perfectly balancing your opposites, you become illuminated or awakened. When this happens, a mysterious, hidden Eye opens in you.
Plato called it the “Eye of the Soul”. Our two eyes see outward at physical things, but our Mind’s Eye looks inward to spiritual things. When our Third Eye opens, we are able to “see” our soul within. It’s then that you discover a conscious “deity” held captive within you--your true Self. We term this deity our “soul,” but it’s really a fallen god, fallen because we don’t realize we are eternal gods who are only temporarily clothed as animals. Thus, whereas the Masonic Triangle (below left) symbolizes the union or balancing of opposites, the Masonic “Eye in the Triangle” (below right) symbolizes the awakening of our Mind’s Eye that occurs when these opposites are united or balanced.
"I have to draw near to my soul like a weary traveler, who has tried anything outside of yourself. Behind that I have to learn everything there is to last my soul, and if you travel to the world what is happening in fund find my soul. Even those closest to them are not the goal and the end of the search for love, but a symbol of our soul. (p. 233-b, 2010)"
--Jung, Liber Novus
--Jung, Liber Novus
There is a space between man’s imagination and man’s attainment
that may only be traversed by his longing. ~ Kahlil Gibran
“Nothing is possible without love, not even the processes of alchemy, for love puts one
in a mood to risk everything and not to withhold elements.” --C.G. Jung
that may only be traversed by his longing. ~ Kahlil Gibran
“Nothing is possible without love, not even the processes of alchemy, for love puts one
in a mood to risk everything and not to withhold elements.” --C.G. Jung
Transmutation is easy when you understand "psyche" and "matter" are the same phenomena.
The threshold of psyche and matter is the threshold of possibility to actuality. Reality is transcendent and immanent. Those too lazy to meditate don't really fathom how to live “outside space and time” -- in the nondual realm of consciousness. The secret of the Philosopher's Stone has been hidden for the last 12,000 years. Consciousness is the foundation of reality. The elixir of life is a love potion. Yearning supercharges the mage, firing up the universe with the necessary and desirable force to connect things at a distance. Deep structures awaken in the psyche. Treasures lie beneath the vast sea of longing. He knew the totality of wisdom about all things. He saw the secret and uncovered the hidden.
He brought back a message from before the flood.
Transmutation is easy when you understand "psyche" and "matter" are the same phenomena.
The threshold of psyche and matter is the threshold of possibility to actuality. Reality is transcendent and immanent. Those too lazy to meditate don't really fathom how to live “outside space and time” -- in the nondual realm of consciousness. The secret of the Philosopher's Stone has been hidden for the last 12,000 years. Consciousness is the foundation of reality. The elixir of life is a love potion. Yearning supercharges the mage, firing up the universe with the necessary and desirable force to connect things at a distance. Deep structures awaken in the psyche. Treasures lie beneath the vast sea of longing. He knew the totality of wisdom about all things. He saw the secret and uncovered the hidden.
He brought back a message from before the flood.
Soul Dust & Immortal Endgame
We enter a world of myth, music, magic, and altered states of awareness.
That’s where the nature of the true temple exists, the invisible temple.
Eventually you realize there is a boundless, timeless library of knowledge being shared --
a labyrinth of volumes.
The sum of all there is: universal codes of energy, ancient systems of knowing,
rhythm, measure and proportion, and how to apply them at any given moment.
Soul Dust & Immortal Endgame
We enter a world of myth, music, magic, and altered states of awareness.
That’s where the nature of the true temple exists, the invisible temple.
Eventually you realize there is a boundless, timeless library of knowledge being shared --
a labyrinth of volumes.
The sum of all there is: universal codes of energy, ancient systems of knowing,
rhythm, measure and proportion, and how to apply them at any given moment.
- Like every mythic hero his father is unknown
- He was a violin virtuoso.
- He was an accomplished painter.
- He was an intelligence an cointelligence agent; diplomat, emissary, sigma 6 change agent.
- Wherever he traveled, he set up an elaborate laboratory, presumably for his alchemy work.
- He knew orbital mechanics and observed the Heavens.
- He was a Nautonier (mathematician, astronomer, geographer) with visionary insight.
- He seemed to be a man of great wealth, but was not known to have any bank accounts. (If it was due to his ability to transmute base metals into gold, he never performed the feat for observers.)
- He dined often with friends because he enjoyed their company, but was rarely seen to eat food in public. He subsisted, it was said, on a diet of oatmeal.
- He prescribed recipes for the removal of facial wrinkles and for dyeing hair.
- He loved jewels, and much of his clothing - including his shoes - were studded with them.
- He had perfected a technique for painting jewels.
- He claimed to be able to fuse several small diamonds into one large one. He also said he could make pearls grow to incredible sizes.
- He has been linked to several secret societies, including the Rosicrucians, Freemasons, Society of Asiatic Brothers, the Knights of Light, the Illuminati and Order of the Templars.
The dragon of alchemy "devours, fertilizes, begets, slays, and brings itself to life again."
Requiem for St. Germain
Requiem for St. Germain
Only a dead man can be explained in terms of the past...
Life is not made up of yesterdays only...
Life is not made up of yesterdays only...
"Dangerous Demons and Savvy Sages"
But if we are permitted to draw conclusions from the ancient testimony, the tale of the Doomsday comet surely does not end with the cosmic serpent/dragon. An abundance of testimony reveals, for example, an inseparable connection of the attacking serpent or dragon with the "terrible aspect" of the mother goddess, precisely as indicated by more than one of the quotes above. This goddess figure stands at the heart of the ancient cultures -- an object of both reverence and terror. And in fact, innumerable goddesses acquire a comet-like appearance -- wildly disheveled hair, flaming countenance, accompanied by chaotic hordes or clouds of chaos, threatening to destroy the world. The moment one accepts the compelling memories of a serpent or dragon's assault, it is no longer reasonable to exclude the equally compelling ancient profiles of the mother goddess. As we shall report in the conclusion of this piece, the ancients' story of the Doomsday comet, when fully appreciated, will change our view of human history, and alter the course of science as well. --Thunderbolts
But if we are permitted to draw conclusions from the ancient testimony, the tale of the Doomsday comet surely does not end with the cosmic serpent/dragon. An abundance of testimony reveals, for example, an inseparable connection of the attacking serpent or dragon with the "terrible aspect" of the mother goddess, precisely as indicated by more than one of the quotes above. This goddess figure stands at the heart of the ancient cultures -- an object of both reverence and terror. And in fact, innumerable goddesses acquire a comet-like appearance -- wildly disheveled hair, flaming countenance, accompanied by chaotic hordes or clouds of chaos, threatening to destroy the world. The moment one accepts the compelling memories of a serpent or dragon's assault, it is no longer reasonable to exclude the equally compelling ancient profiles of the mother goddess. As we shall report in the conclusion of this piece, the ancients' story of the Doomsday comet, when fully appreciated, will change our view of human history, and alter the course of science as well. --Thunderbolts
"I depart. Search for me. At some point you will see me again."
"I return to the small and the real, for this is the great way, the way of what is to come.
I return to my simple reality, to my undeniable and most minuscule being.
And I take a knife and hold court over everything that has grown without measure and goal.
The depths are inexhaustible, they give everything. Everything is as good as Nothing.
Keep a little and you have something."
"I return to the small and the real, for this is the great way, the way of what is to come.
I return to my simple reality, to my undeniable and most minuscule being.
And I take a knife and hold court over everything that has grown without measure and goal.
The depths are inexhaustible, they give everything. Everything is as good as Nothing.
Keep a little and you have something."
An advanced mode of consciousness, the “imaginative consciousness”, integrates
the worlds of science, spirituality and the fantastic.
the worlds of science, spirituality and the fantastic.
"Curious scrutator of all nature,
I have seen gold thick in the depths of the double mercury. I have seized its substance and surprised its changing. I explain by that art the soul with the womb of a mother, Make its home, take it away, and as a kernel Placed against a grain of wheat, under the humid pollen; The one plant and the other vine-stock, are the bread and wine. NOTHING was, God willing, NOTHING became something, I doubted it, I sought that on which the universe rests, NOTHING preserves the equilibrium and serves to sustain. Then, with the weight of praise and of blame. I weighed the eternal, it called my soul, I died, I adored, I knew NOTHING more." |
Curious scanner of the whole Nature,
I knew all the great and the end. I saw the gold potential at the bottom of its river I grabbed his material and its yeast surprised. I explained by what art the soul the sides of a mother Made his home, wins, and how a glitch Set against a grain of wheat under wet dust; One plant and one vine, are the bread and wine. Nothing was, God willing, nothing became something, I doubted, I tried on what the universe arises. Nothing kept the balance and served as support. Finally the weight of praise and blame I weighed the eternal, he appellation my soul: I die, I adored, I do not know. |
He who sees the Deep is he who sees the Unknown
"The Philosopher’s stone is really the philosophical stone, for philosophy is truly likened to a magic jewel whose touch transmutes base substances into priceless gems like itself. Wisdom is the alchemists powder of projection which transforms many thousand times its own weight of gross ignorance into the precious substance of enlightenment.” --Manly Palmer Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages
The Alchemist is the elixer vitae who heals by homeopathic contagion. But this is not his aim, it is simply a by-product of his enlightened state of being. Yoga is Alchemy. Alchemy is Yoga. Both are, at their very core, the unification of the opposites, the Mysterium Conjunctio, the reunification of the masculine and feminine into a perfect, unbreakable circle -- unification that ultimately joins the practitioner with the primordial force. They are the never-ending ouroborus who shows us that the goal and the source are one and the same. There is nothing more Tantric than the pursuit of Alchemy, unifying male and female principles. Poimandres brought alchemy to Egypt. The great serpent (dragon) appears to Hermes in a pillar of fire. It came to India with Rishi Angiras who "fell from the sky." Nagarjuna learns Alchemy in Kashmir from the serpents, or Nagas, who whisper it in his ear. Mircea Eliade claimed Alchemy is related to Shamanism and extends into pre-history. The most famous Alchemists were healers of disease. This set of techniques has been used by Shamans across the globe who refined and specified operations practiced by different cultures and individuals. Sexual unification is shown throughout Western Alchemy but is always considered metaphorical and not literal. The Hermaphrodite, male and female combined into one figure is one of the most traditional symbols of the alchemical process.
Archetypal images, as universal patterns or motifs which come from the collective unconscious, are the basic content of religions, mythologies, legends and fairy tales. An archetypal content expresses itself, first and foremost, in metaphors.
If such a content should speak of the sun and identify with it the lion, the king, the hoard of gold guarded by the dragon, or the power that makes for the life and health of man, it is neither the one thing nor the other, but the unknown third thing that finds more or less adequate expression in all these similes, yet-to the perpetual vexation of the intellect-remains unknown and not to be fitted into a formula.--Jung
"The Philosopher’s stone is really the philosophical stone, for philosophy is truly likened to a magic jewel whose touch transmutes base substances into priceless gems like itself. Wisdom is the alchemists powder of projection which transforms many thousand times its own weight of gross ignorance into the precious substance of enlightenment.” --Manly Palmer Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages
The Alchemist is the elixer vitae who heals by homeopathic contagion. But this is not his aim, it is simply a by-product of his enlightened state of being. Yoga is Alchemy. Alchemy is Yoga. Both are, at their very core, the unification of the opposites, the Mysterium Conjunctio, the reunification of the masculine and feminine into a perfect, unbreakable circle -- unification that ultimately joins the practitioner with the primordial force. They are the never-ending ouroborus who shows us that the goal and the source are one and the same. There is nothing more Tantric than the pursuit of Alchemy, unifying male and female principles. Poimandres brought alchemy to Egypt. The great serpent (dragon) appears to Hermes in a pillar of fire. It came to India with Rishi Angiras who "fell from the sky." Nagarjuna learns Alchemy in Kashmir from the serpents, or Nagas, who whisper it in his ear. Mircea Eliade claimed Alchemy is related to Shamanism and extends into pre-history. The most famous Alchemists were healers of disease. This set of techniques has been used by Shamans across the globe who refined and specified operations practiced by different cultures and individuals. Sexual unification is shown throughout Western Alchemy but is always considered metaphorical and not literal. The Hermaphrodite, male and female combined into one figure is one of the most traditional symbols of the alchemical process.
Archetypal images, as universal patterns or motifs which come from the collective unconscious, are the basic content of religions, mythologies, legends and fairy tales. An archetypal content expresses itself, first and foremost, in metaphors.
If such a content should speak of the sun and identify with it the lion, the king, the hoard of gold guarded by the dragon, or the power that makes for the life and health of man, it is neither the one thing nor the other, but the unknown third thing that finds more or less adequate expression in all these similes, yet-to the perpetual vexation of the intellect-remains unknown and not to be fitted into a formula.--Jung
With his concept of Active Information, Bohm introduced what could be thought of a new triad into physics in place of the old duality of Energy-Matter. In Energy-Matter duality, energy acts on matter to transform it. For example it may melt a piece of metal, or it may cause a stone to move. Now add in information to form Energy-Matter-Information. Active information observes the disposition of Matter and now acts on Energy to redirect it. This redirected Energy makes a new transformation of Matter and in turn this is observed by Information which acts back on Energy. -F. David Peat
- See more at:
With his concept of Active Information, Bohm introduced what could be thought of a new triad into physics in place of the old duality of Energy-Matter. In Energy-Matter duality, energy acts on matter to transform it. For example it may melt a piece of metal, or it may cause a stone to move. Now add in information to form Energy-Matter-Information. Active information observes the disposition of Matter and now acts on Energy to redirect it. This redirected Energy makes a new transformation of Matter and in turn this is observed by Information which acts back on Energy. -F. David Peat
- See more at:
"The secret to being a bore," said Voltaire, "is to tell everything." In painting, it's what you don't describe that makes what is described so poignant. In the case of art, we allow ourselves to surrender to a set of sensory cues and let the rest of the world fall away. Artists may naturally possess filtering abilities; we learn to curate the signals we invite in and the gestures we choose to make. Leaving out and putting in are equally important discoveries to be made and mastered in painting and beyond. "Silence is a source of great strength", said Lao Tzu.
V.I.T.R.I.O.L. “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectifando Invenies Occultum Lapidem - Visit the interior of the earth, in purifying you discover the hidden Stone.”– An alchemical anagram declares that all truth is found within our own consciousness, but while we are still within human form. Through its ‘rectification’ or making straight, true, and right, we can discover the Philosophic Stone, and place it in the edifice that is the Temple of Solomon.
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Iona Miller & Thomas Schoenberger
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Iona Miller & Thomas Schoenberger
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